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Wire Bound Books

Need a professional look for your next presentation or a customised notebook for your clients? Wire-bound books are the perfect solution.

Order Wire Bound Documents Online

  1. Select the number of pages in your document, binding edge and finished size
  2. Select single or double sided printing, paper type and weight
  3. Confirm the quantity required, this will update the job cost
  4. Once confirmed, hit the start button and upload your files for printing
  • Wire-bound books will be finished with white metal wire, a clear acetate cover and a 400gsm white card backing sheet.
  • You must enter the total number of printed sides for your document - regardless of whether it will be printed single or double sided. If you have a 50 page document and would like it printed double sided (25 sheets) you are still required to enter 50 in the 'number of pages' drop down.
  • Please note: we offer a much wider range of options for this product than is available to order online. If you have specific requirements, or the page size/quanitiy isn't available online please contact us by phone or email. 
Number of pages *
Binding edge *
Size *
Printed sides *
Printing colours *
Paper type *
Paper weight *
Front cover *
Back cover *
Config qty column name Quantity
Config qty useTierPrice true
Attributes length 9
Attribute name: Size with value: A4 (210mm x 297mm)
Attribute name: Printed sides with value: Double sided
Attribute name: Printing colours with value: Colour
Attribute name: Paper type with value: Uncoated
Attribute name: Paper Weight with value: 100gsm
Attribute name: Number of pages with value: 20
Attribute name: Binding Edge with value: Left
Attribute name: Front cover with value: Clear plastic
Attribute name: Back cover with value: Card back
Cached attributes length: 9
attributevalue for filename: 20
fileName: Wire bound books/Wire bound books-20.csv
filename = Wire bound books/Wire bound books-20.csv
columns initialized: Paper type,Paper Weight,Quantity,Price
get csv price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 1
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 57
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,1,57) with index: 1 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 2
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 30
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,2,30) with index: 2 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 3
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 20.33333333
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,3,20.33333333) with index: 3 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 4
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 16.5
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,4,16.5) with index: 4 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 5
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 13.2
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,5,13.2) with index: 5 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 6
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 11.83333333
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,6,11.83333333) with index: 6 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 7
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 10.28571429
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,7,10.28571429) with index: 7 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 8
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 9.5
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,8,9.5) with index: 8 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 9
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 8.555555556
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,9,8.555555556) with index: 9 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 10
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 8.1
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,10,8.1) with index: 10 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 15
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 6.2
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,15,6.2) with index: 11 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 20
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 5.4
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,20,5.4) with index: 12 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 25
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 4.8
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,25,4.8) with index: 13 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 30
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 4.5
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,30,4.5) with index: 14 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 35
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 4.171428571
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,35,4.171428571) with index: 15 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 40
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 4.025
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,40,4.025) with index: 16 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 45
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 3.844444444
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,45,3.844444444) with index: 17 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 50
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 3.76
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,50,3.76) with index: 18 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 60
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 3.583333333
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,60,3.583333333) with index: 19 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 70
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 3.442857143
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,70,3.442857143) with index: 20 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 80
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 3.35
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,80,3.35) with index: 21 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 90
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 3.277777778
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,90,3.277777778) with index: 22 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 100
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 3.24
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,100,3.24) with index: 23 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 125
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 3.168
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,125,3.168) with index: 24 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 100gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 100gsm
Checking row matching for columnName = Quantity row value= 150
Checking row matching for columnName = Price row value= 3.073333333
Row: (Uncoated,100gsm,150,3.073333333) with index: 25 is matching: true
Using tier price
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,1,57) with index: 26 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,2,30.5) with index: 27 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,3,20.33333333) with index: 28 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,4,16.5) with index: 29 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,5,13.4) with index: 30 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,6,11.83333333) with index: 31 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,7,10.42857143) with index: 32 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,8,9.625) with index: 33 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,9,8.666666667) with index: 34 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,10,8.3) with index: 35 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,15,6.333333333) with index: 36 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,20,5.5) with index: 37 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,25,4.88) with index: 38 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,30,4.6) with index: 39 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,35,4.285714286) with index: 40 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,40,4.15) with index: 41 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,45,3.955555556) with index: 42 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,50,3.86) with index: 43 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,60,3.683333333) with index: 44 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,70,3.542857143) with index: 45 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,80,3.4625) with index: 46 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,90,3.433333333) with index: 47 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,100,3.37) with index: 48 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,125,3.272) with index: 49 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Uncoated
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Uncoated
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper Weight row value= 120gsm
columnName = Paper Weight attrValue= 100gsm temp= 120gsm
row dont match temp=120gsm attrvalue=100gsm
Row: (Uncoated,120gsm,150,3.173333333) with index: 50 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,1,57) with index: 51 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,2,30) with index: 52 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,3,20.33333333) with index: 53 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,4,16.25) with index: 54 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,5,13.2) with index: 55 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,6,11.66666667) with index: 56 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,7,10.14285714) with index: 57 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,8,9.5) with index: 58 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,9,8.444444444) with index: 59 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,10,8.1) with index: 60 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,15,6.133333333) with index: 61 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,20,5.3) with index: 62 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,25,4.72) with index: 63 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,30,4.4) with index: 64 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,35,4.114285714) with index: 65 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,40,3.975) with index: 66 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,45,3.777777778) with index: 67 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,50,3.68) with index: 68 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,60,3.5) with index: 69 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,70,3.371428571) with index: 70 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,80,3.275) with index: 71 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,90,3.222222222) with index: 72 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,100,3.17) with index: 73 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,125,3.096) with index: 74 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,115gsm,150,3) with index: 75 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,1,57) with index: 76 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,2,30) with index: 77 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,3,20.33333333) with index: 78 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,4,16.25) with index: 79 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,5,13.2) with index: 80 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,6,11.66666667) with index: 81 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,7,10.28571429) with index: 82 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,8,9.5) with index: 83 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,9,8.555555556) with index: 84 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,10,8.1) with index: 85 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,15,6.2) with index: 86 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,20,5.4) with index: 87 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,25,4.8) with index: 88 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,30,4.466666667) with index: 89 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,35,4.171428571) with index: 90 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,40,4.025) with index: 91 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,45,3.844444444) with index: 92 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,50,3.74) with index: 93 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,60,3.566666667) with index: 94 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,70,3.428571429) with index: 95 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,80,3.3375) with index: 96 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,90,3.288888889) with index: 97 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,100,3.26) with index: 98 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,125,3.16) with index: 99 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Silk
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Silk
row dont match temp=Silk attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Silk,130gsm,150,3.06) with index: 100 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,1,57) with index: 101 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,2,30) with index: 102 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,3,20.33333333) with index: 103 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,4,16.25) with index: 104 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,5,13.2) with index: 105 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,6,11.66666667) with index: 106 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,7,10.14285714) with index: 107 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,8,9.5) with index: 108 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,9,8.444444444) with index: 109 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,10,8.1) with index: 110 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,15,6.133333333) with index: 111 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,20,5.3) with index: 112 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,25,4.72) with index: 113 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,30,4.4) with index: 114 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,35,4.114285714) with index: 115 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,40,3.975) with index: 116 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,45,3.777777778) with index: 117 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,50,3.68) with index: 118 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,60,3.5) with index: 119 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,70,3.371428571) with index: 120 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,80,3.275) with index: 121 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,90,3.222222222) with index: 122 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,100,3.17) with index: 123 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,125,3.096) with index: 124 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,115gsm,150,3) with index: 125 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,1,57) with index: 126 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,2,30) with index: 127 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,3,20.33333333) with index: 128 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,4,16.25) with index: 129 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,5,13.2) with index: 130 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,6,11.66666667) with index: 131 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,7,10.28571429) with index: 132 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,8,9.5) with index: 133 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,9,8.555555556) with index: 134 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,10,8.1) with index: 135 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,15,6.2) with index: 136 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,20,5.4) with index: 137 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,25,4.8) with index: 138 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,30,4.466666667) with index: 139 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,35,4.171428571) with index: 140 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,40,4.025) with index: 141 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,45,3.844444444) with index: 142 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,50,3.74) with index: 143 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,60,3.566666667) with index: 144 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,70,3.428571429) with index: 145 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,80,3.3375) with index: 146 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,90,3.288888889) with index: 147 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,100,3.26) with index: 148 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,125,3.16) with index: 149 is matching: false
Checking row matching for columnName = Paper type row value= Gloss
columnName = Paper type attrValue= Uncoated temp= Gloss
row dont match temp=Gloss attrvalue=Uncoated
Row: (Gloss,130gsm,150,3.06) with index: 150 is matching: false
Matching rows: 25
Quantity Column Index: 2
Checking: Uncoated,100gsm,1,57
Found a valid tier: Uncoated,100gsm,1,57
Checking: Uncoated,100gsm,2,30
Found a valid tier: Uncoated,100gsm,2,30
Checking: Uncoated,100gsm,3,20.33333333
Found a valid tier: Uncoated,100gsm,3,20.33333333
Checking: Uncoated,100gsm,4,16.5
Found a valid tier: Uncoated,100gsm,4,16.5
Checking: Uncoated,100gsm,5,13.2
Found a valid tier: Uncoated,100gsm,5,13.2
Checking: Uncoated,100gsm,6,11.83333333
Found a valid tier: Uncoated,100gsm,6,11.83333333
Checking: Uncoated,100gsm,7,10.28571429
Found a valid tier: Uncoated,100gsm,7,10.28571429
Checking: Uncoated,100gsm,8,9.5
Found a valid tier: Uncoated,100gsm,8,9.5
Checking: Uncoated,100gsm,9,8.555555556
Found a valid tier: Uncoated,100gsm,9,8.555555556
Checking: Uncoated,100gsm,10,8.1
Found a valid tier: Uncoated,100gsm,10,8.1
Checking: Uncoated,100gsm,15,6.2
Finish search
price column index=3
price from row = 8.1
set attributes from csv length = 0
set item properties from csv length = 0
product cost column index=-1
unit price = 8.1

Product Description

Looking to elevate your next presentation or impress your clients with a custom printed document? Wire-bound books offer the ideal blend of professionalism and practicality. 

Perfect for student dissertations, instruction manuals, logbooks, or notebooks, each wire-bound book features:

  • White wire binding for a polished finish
  • Clear plastic cover to protect the front page
  • Thick card back cover for durability

We can bind along the long or short edge to suit your preferred orientation—portrait or landscape. Choose between:

  • 100gsm uncoated paper for a clean, classic look
  • 170gsm silk-coated paper for silky, high-quality pages

Wire binding keeps single, printed pages neatly stacked and hole-punched along the binding edge. The wire can be placed along the top or left edge, making it perfect for landscape or portrait designs. The binding allows the book to lie completely flat or fold back on itself, making it an excellent choice for presentation documents, manuals, reports, and reference materials.

Understanding different paper types

Silk: Silk coated paper has a smooth, silky finish. It is neither as glossy as gloss-coated paper nor as matte as uncoated paper, offering a balance between the two. This paper type undergoes a coating process that enhances its texture and visual appeal.  Writing on silk-coated paper with regular pens can be difficult as the coating may resist ink absorption.

Gloss: Gloss coated paper has a shiny, reflective surface that is achieved through the application of a high-gloss coating. This type of paper is commonly used for high-impact, high-quality printing where image sharpness and color intensity are important. Like silk-coated paper, writing with pens or pencils on gloss-coated paper can be challenging due to the smooth surface.

Uncoated: Uncoated paper has no surface coating, giving it a natural, more textured feel. It is widely used for everyday printing tasks, stationery, and books, where a more organic or traditional look is preferred. Uncoated paper is excellent for writing with any pen or pencil, as it absorbs ink well.