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Artwork guidelines
We recommend all artwork to be supplied in PDF format. If you are supplying Indesign files please “package” them i.e. all links and fonts referenced in the document should be included. If you are uploading your design to purchase a product this must be either a PDF, JPEG, TIFF or PNG.
Paper sizes
In the UK, paper sizes follow the ISO 216 (A series) standard. Here are the most common paper sizes:
Popular Paper Sizes in the UK (ISO 216 - A Series)
- A0 – 841 × 1189 mm
- A1 – 594 × 841 mm
- A2 – 420 × 594 mm
- A3 – 297 × 420 mm
- A4 – 210 × 297 mm (most common for documents)
- A5 – 148 × 210 mm
- A6 – 105 × 148 mm
- A7 – 74 × 105 mm
Common Leaflet Sizes in mm
Leaflets come in various standard sizes, typically based on the A-series or custom formats:
- A4 Leaflet – 210 × 297 mm
- A5 Leaflet – 148 × 210 mm
- A6 Leaflet – 105 × 148 mm (postcard-sized)
- DL (1/3 A4) – 99 × 210 mm (popular for tri-fold leaflets)
- Square (Small) – 120 × 120 mm
- Square (Large) – 148 × 148 mm
Using Canva? Follow the steps below to get the best file possible.
Here is what you need to do in Canva:
On the first page when it asks what you would DESIGN TODAY select “PRINT PRODUCTS” this will give you a variety of sizes to use.
First of all check the page size is what you need... a standard flyer is normally A5 210mm x 148mm or A4 297mm x 210mm.
Select FILE “View Settings” - in here select show “print bleed”
Then you need to extend any background images, past the actual page, so that it goes on to the BLEED AREA. This will get cut off eventually but it means your image will be the correct size and will have no white edges. Make sure there is no text in this area as it will get cut off, A safe zone of 3mm within the trim line is also recommended so nothing is clipped.
Once you have completed the design then select SHARE and DOWNLOAD
In the options for FILE TYPE scroll down and select PDF PRINT
In here tick the option for CROP MARKS and BLEED
Then press DOWNLOAD. Use this file to upload when ordering products on our site.
Any pictures that have CANVA written on are premium images which you cannot use without paying for therefore use the images that are free or purchase images from https://www.shutterstock.com/ or a similar service. Using free images downloaded from the internet will not be suitable for most print products.
If you find that you cannot create your design without any intervention from us we would charge £50 per hour to work on it for you, with a £15 minimum charge.
Different paper types explained
Silk: Silk coated paper has a smooth, silky finish. It is neither as glossy as gloss-coated paper nor as matte as uncoated paper, offering a balance between the two. This paper type undergoes a coating process that enhances its texture and visual appeal. Writing on silk-coated paper with regular pens can be difficult as the coating may resist ink absorption. Silk is a popular choice for all printed items from Business cards to brochures, flyers and folded leaflets. Silk is not as thick as uncoated paper in the same weight.
Gloss: Gloss coated paper has a shiny, reflective surface that is achieved through the application of a high-gloss coating. This type of paper is commonly used for high-impact, high-quality printing where image sharpness and color intensity are important. Like silk-coated paper, writing with pens or pencils on gloss-coated paper can be challenging due to the smooth surface. Gloss is currently not as popular as silk and uncaoted but great to show off detail in images and is put to good use for brigt bold colours within your artwork. Can be used for most print applications such as Business cards to brochures, flyers and folded leaflets. Gloss is not as thick as uncoated paper in the same weight.
Uncoated: Uncoated paper has no surface coating, giving it a natural, more textured feel. It is widely used for everyday printing tasks, great for Business stationery like business cards, and books, where a more organic or traditional look is preferred. Uncoated paper is excellent for writing with any pen or pencil, as it absorbs ink well. Uncoated is possibly our favourite finish, when used with our high quality HP indigo press the result is fantastic and very silimar to offset printing look and feel.
Colours must be set to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) this is because these are the colours used in the printing process. If you supply us RGB artwork we will convert it to CMYK but the colours may not print as you expect it to. For more detailed information on the difference between RGB and CMYK please see the below:
Comparison of RGB and CMYK Colour Spaces
- RGB (Red, Green, Blue):
- Additive Colour Model: Combines light of red, green, and blue to produce colors.
- Color Range: Wide gamut, capable of displaying vibrant and saturated colors.
- Usage: Primarily used in digital displays such as screens, monitors, and projectors.
- Black: Achieved by turning all colors off (0,0,0).
- CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key/Black):
- Subtractive Colour Model: Layers cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks to absorb light and produce colors.
- Color Range: Narrower gamut compared to RGB, optimized for physical reproduction.
- Usage: Used in printing processes.
- Black: Achieved through the inclusion of black ink.
Reasons Why Colours on Screen Look Different Once Printed
- Colour Gamut Differences:
- RGB can display brighter and more vivid colors that CMYK cannot replicate.
- Specific neon or highly saturated colors visible on screen may appear duller in print.
- Lighting Environment:
- Screens emit light, making colors appear brighter and more vibrant.
- Prints rely on ambient light reflecting off the surface, which can mute colors.
- Paper Type:
- The texture and brightness of the paper affect how colors are perceived in print.
- Glossy paper can enhance colors, while matte paper tends to absorb more ink, dulling colors.
- Ink Absorption:
- Ink spreads and absorbs into paper, affecting color precision.
- Fine details and gradients may lose clarity in print.
- Device Calibration:
- Monitors and printers may not be calibrated the same way, causing color mismatches.
- A lack of color profiling between devices can lead to inconsistent results.
- Color Profiles:
- RGB devices use color profiles like sRGB or AdobeRGB, while printers rely on CMYK-based ICC profiles.
• Without proper conversion, colors may shift unexpectedly.
Rich Black/Black Text
We recommend a rich black is created with 100% Black, 40% Cyan, 40% Magenta & 40% Yellow. (Do not use “registration” as a Black in Indesign or Illustrator). There is no need to use any other colour other than 100% Black for Black text.
Image Resolution
Files that include images need to have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch), if not the images may appear pixelated or unclear.
All fonts should be embedded in your PDF file. This is to make sure that the fonts used in the creation of your artwork are replicated when printed. If you do not embed the fonts, they may need to be substituted and may not match those used in your artwork. When you create your PDF the fonts are generally embedded but please check before sending us your files.
Please include at least 3mm bleed on all sides of your artwork, for example if you require 210mm x 297mm trimmed size please supply your artwork as 216mm x 303mm making sure text is at least 5mm away from the bleed area.
Please leave this to us and supply your file as single pages or 1 up.
Please supply a laser proof of your work or .jpg file for reference.
Roller Banner PDF templates
Please download the Roller Banner templates as a PDF file.
Heras Fence Banner PDF template
Please download the Heras Fence template as a PDF file